




Authors  作者 Short description Publications in international graded medical and science journals 醫學相關期刊

Properties and Biological Effects of High Performance Ceramic Powder Emitting Far-Infrared Irradiation

Yung-Sheng Lin Ming-Yu Lin, Ting-Kai Leung el al


生物能改善微血液循環 Instruments Today 2007.6(158) ,28: 6, 60-6

Far infrared Ray Irradiation induces Intracellular generation of Nitric Oxide in Breast Cancer cells

Ting Kai Leung el al.


生物能促進一氧化氮 Journal of Medical and Biological engineering.29(1):15-18(2009)(SCI)
(3)生物能對巨噬細胞內產生攜鈣蛋白(calmodulin)和一氧化氮之影響Immunomodulatory effects of cFIR irradiation via increasing Calmodulin and Nitric Oxide production in

Macrophage(RAW 264.7)

Ting Kai Leung el al.


生物能促進攜鈣蛋白 Biomedical Engineering: Applications, Basis and Communications, Vol. 21, No. 5 (2009) 317–323(SCI)
(4)生物陶瓷材料的抗氧化和對巨吞噬細胞的作用Direct and Indirect Effects of Ceramic Far Infrared Radiation on the Hydrogen

Peroxide-Scavenging Capacity and on Murine Macrophages Under Oxidative


Ting Kai Leung el al.


生物能抗氧化強化免疫 Journal of Medical and Biological engineering, (31(5): 345-351,2011) (SCI)

Effects of Far Infrared Rays on Hydrogen Peroxide Scavenging Capacity

Ting Kai Leung el al.


生物能抗氧化強化生命力  Biomedical Engineering: Applications, Basis and Communications, Volume: 23, Issue: 2(2011) pp. 99-105 (SCI)

A pilot study of ceramic powder far-infrared ray irradiation (cFIR) on

physiology: observations of cell cultures and amphibian skeletal muscle

Ting Kai Leung el al.


生物能增強肌耐力 CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY ( 54(4): 247-254, 2011) (SCI)

Bone and Joint Protection Ability of Ceramic Material with Biological Effects (Bioceramic)

Ting Kai Leung el al.


生物能促進骨骼與關節健康 CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY,( Feb 29;55(1):47-54., 2011) (SCI)

Physical-chemical test platform for room temperature, far-infrared ray emitting ceramic materials (cFIR).


Ting Kai Leung el al.


生物能生產嚴謹具科學驗證 JOURNAL OF CHINESE CHEMICAL SOCIETY J. Chin. Chem. Soc., Vol. 58, No. 3, 2011 (SCI)
(9)生物能陶瓷材料抑制黑色素癌細胞生長Inhibitory Effects of Far-Infrared Irradiation Generated by Ceramic Material on Murine Melanoma Cell Growth Ting Kai Leung el al 生物能體外抑制癌細胞 International Journal of Photoenergy 
Volume 2012 (2012), Article ID 646845, 8 pages

Effects of Far Infrared Rays Irradiated from Ceramic Material (BIOCERAMIC) on Psychological Stress-Conditioned Elevated Heart Rate, Blood Pressure, and Oxidative Stress-Suppressed Cardiac Contractility

Ting Kai Leung el al.


生物能心血管保護 CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY55(5): 323-330, 2012(SCI)

The physical, chemical and biological effects by room temperature

ceramic far-infrared ray emitting material irradiated water: a pilot study

Ting Kai Leung el al.


生物能水記憶現象 JOURNAL OF CHINESE CHEMICAL SOCIETY J. Chin. Chem. Soc. (J. Chin. Chem. Soc. 2012, 59, 589-597) (SCI)

Biological Effects of Melt Spinning Fabrics Composed of

1 % BIOCERAMIC Material

Ting Kai Leung el al.


生物能醫用生物能纖維 TEXTILE RESEARCH JOURNAL (Textile Research Journal

82(11) 1121–1130 ,2012) (SCI)


In vitro cell study of the Possible

Anti-inflammatory and Pain Relief

Mechanism of Far-infrared Ray

Emitting Ceramic Material






Ting Kai Leung el al.




Journal of Medical and Biological engineering, 33(2): 179-184(2013) (SCI)
(14)生物能陶瓷材料加熱腰帶有抑制原發性月經疼痛            Inhibitory Effects of Far-Infrared ray generating belt on primary dysmenorrhea Ting Kai Leung el al.




International Journal of Photoenergy Volume 2012, Article ID 238468, 6 pages

Physiological effects of BIOCERAMIC material on human, assessment by ‘Harvard Step’, ‘Resting Metabolic Rate’ (RMR)  and ‘Treadmill Running’ tests

Ting Kai Leung el al.


生物能在耐久性運動時的節省能量與血氧消耗 Chin J Physiol. 2013 Dec 31;56(6):334-40. (SCI)
(16) WaveInduced Flow in Meridians Demonstrated Using Photoluminescent Bioceramic Material on Acupuncture Points



Ting Kai Leung el al.


生物能光能無痛針灸效能研究 Evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine(SCI) Med. 2013; 739293.


(17)Effects of Far-Infrared Irradiation on Myofascial Neck Pain:

A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Pilot Study


Volume 0, Number 0, 2013, pp. 1–7

Ting Kai Leung el al.



Volume 0, Number 0, 2013, pp. 1–7

(18)Enhancement of Transdermal Delivery of Indomethacin and Tamoxifen by

Far-Infrared Ray-Emitting Ceramic Material (BIOCERAMIC): A Pilot Study


Ting Kai Leung el al.


生物能促進經皮藥物吸收 Translational Medicine(SCI) 2013, 3:1
(19)Photoluminescence of Bioceramic Materials (PLB) as a Complementary

and Alternative Therapy for Diabetes



Ting Kai Leung el al.


生物能 生物光能改善高血糖 J Diabetes Metab 2013, 4:10
(20)Translating Laboratory Research of BIOCERAMIC Material, Application

on Computer Mouse and Bracelet, to Ameliorate Computer Work-Related

Musculoskeletal Disorders

Ting Kai Leung el al.



Transl Med 2013, 4:1

(21)生物能陶瓷材料抑制或降低輻射傷害乳房乳腺上皮細胞The protective effect of non-ionized radiation from far infrared ray emitting ceramic material (cFIR)against oxidative stress on human breast epithelial cell(MCF-10A) Ting Kai Leung el al.


生物能降低輻射傷害、促進乳腺健康 Journal of Medical and Biological engineering,

 34(1): 69-75 (2014) (SCI)

(22)The Influence of Ceramic Far-Infrared Ray (cFIR) Irradiation on Water Hydrogen Bonding and its Related Chemo-physical Properties


Ting Kai Leung el al.


生物能弱化氫鍵, 產生水質之物理化學變化 Hydrol Current Res 2014, 5: 174


(23)In Vitro and In Vivo Studies of Biological Effects of Bioceramic (Material of Emitting High Performance Far-Infrared Ray) Irradiation


Ting Kai Leung el al.


生物能於生物體內與試管之各項研究綜論 Chinese Journal of Physiology(SCI) 58(3): 147-155, 2015

 DOI: 10.4077/CJP.2015.BAD294


Application of PhotoluminescentBioceramic Material(PLB)for different chronic illnesses by selecting ‘trigger points’ and ‘propagated sensation along meridians’ (PSM) phenomenon

Ting Kai Leung el al.


 生物光能經絡照射產生循經感傳現象, 治本皮膚壓痛點 Chinese Journal of Integrative Medicine (SCI)2015(In press)
(25) Review: Translational research of BIOCERAMIC to become therapeutic technologies(Photoluminescence of Bioceramic Materials and Bioceramic Resonance) Ting Kai Leung


生物光能與生物能共振科技之應用 International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications

Vol. 5, Issue 1( Part 2), January 2015, pp.85-94

(26)The effect of BIOCERAMIC Resonance effect on meridian channels: a pilot study


Ting Kai Leung el al


生物光能與生物能共振科技之臨床經絡應用 Evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine  Volume(2015); 2015:769546 (SCI)
(27) The Analysis of Normalized

Effects on Meridian Current Level after the Photoluminescent Bioceramic Treatment on

Acupuncture Points

Ting Kai Leung el al




(28) The effect of Photoluminescence of BIOCERAMIC (PLB) irradiation on Middle Cerebral Arterial occlusion (MCAO) in Rats Ting Kai Leung el al


生物光能於中風後復健 Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 2016 Volume 2016, Article ID 7230962, 9 pages
(29) 生物能在中國傳統醫學之應用The applications of BIOCERAMIC technology on alternative therapy under the concept of traditional Chinese medicine,”



Ting Kai Leung 生物能在中醫 Taiwan Journal of Chinese Medicine. vol.14. no.1.pp.11-21, 2016
(30) Evaluation of Reflexology by “BIOCERAMIC Resonance” Operation producing
Weak Force Field during Simultaneous Acupoint Stimulation of Urinary Bladder Point on Subject’s Ear Resulting in Electric Current Change on Urinary Bladder reflex Point on Subject’s Hands, and Related New Research Finding


Ting Kai Leung el al




Acupuncture & Electro-Therapeutics Research

Volume 42, 2016

(31)A Technology Developed from Concept of Acupuncture and Meridian System, the Clinical Effect of BIOCERAMIC Resonance on Psychological related Sleep Disturbance with Findings on Questionnaire, EEG and fMRI


Ting Kai Leung el al





功能性磁振造影, 證明生物能共振治療心理因素失眠的效果

Jouranl of Traditional and Complementary Medicine),2017(1-7)
(32) Base on concept of traditional Chinese medicine: Experimental studies on efficacy of BIOCERAMIC Resonance to alleviate Drug Withdrawal symptoms


Ting Kai Leung el al


生物光能共振戒毒研究(安非他命安安眠藥) Jouranl of Traditional and Complementary Medicine),2018




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